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 Accepting Roleplaying Moderators

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Gender : Female
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Joined : 2011-08-09
Location : Colorado, USA

Accepting Roleplaying Moderators Empty
PostSubject: Accepting Roleplaying Moderators   Accepting Roleplaying Moderators I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 18, 2012 12:21 am

With the new, fresh, and better roleplaying area, it's time we get some people to keep an eye on it. If you are interested in becoming a roleplaying moderator, fill out the form below and PM it to either Nikoi or Crazy Lyriks.

Username on WolfQuest:

Characters Name:

What is Powerplaying?:
What is God modding?:

For each situation below, answer stating what action you would take.

1~ You see a member killing another character without giving the other character a chance to evade the attack.

2~ A member is controlling another character that is not theirs.

3~ Two characters are fighting and one keeps dodging attacks.

4~ Two characters are fighting and one keeps landing successful attacks.

Username on WolfQuest:[/b]
[b]Characters Name:[/b]

[b]What is Powerplaying?:[/b]
[b]What is God modding?:[/b]

For each situation below, answer stating what action you would take.

[b]1~[/b] You see a member killing another character without giving the other character a chance to evade the attack.

[b]2~[/b] A member is controlling another character that is not theirs.

[b]3~[/b] Two characters are fighting and one keeps dodging attacks.

[b]4~[/b] Two characters are fighting and one keeps landing successful attacks.
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