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 GUESTS PLEASE READ : Looking to Join?

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Gender : Female
Posts : 372
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Joined : 2011-08-09
Location : Colorado, USA

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PostSubject: GUESTS PLEASE READ : Looking to Join?   GUESTS PLEASE READ : Looking to Join? I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 2:12 pm

Hello Guests!

It's great to see you have waltzed into our website. We dearly hope this community has caught your eye enough to say hello, or better yet, maybe even join us!

Here at Something Catchy, we are always looking for new members to join the party. Signing up and joining us is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Simply click the registration button above, fill in the details, and submit! Our forum system will send you an automated e-mail, asking you to activate your account. Once that is done, you may log in and start posting! Please make sure you read all topics in Site Information first, as those topics contain important information you may need to know!
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GUESTS PLEASE READ : Looking to Join?
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